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Three is the magic number - 2015 Squad profile 1

First in a series of profiles of the first ever Red River, Green & Gold squad

Family, friends and footy:
Three is the magic number

In 2002, Habib, Emra and Sunaj Beljulji moved from the small town of Mitrovica in the southern Serbian province of Kosovo when war arrived.

“Back home every way you turned you had a view of the mountains. There were many rivers rolling through the green hills going all around the town. Every night the town would gather as a family to watch soccer or play games like dominoes and cards. The state of Montana would be the closest scenic view of comparison. Mitrovica has grown a lot since we left. It has become more industrial with many more roads and buildings covering the city,” says middle brother Emra.

Faced with a decision between staying in Europe or moving to the US, the family saw the promise and potential of a future in the USA and embraced it.

Their first home in the US was Atlanta, GA.

Emra explains that it was while living in Atlanta that “my real love for soccer began. Everyday after school was done at 3pm, we would go play soccer.”

All three are very complimentary about their coaches in metro Atlanta, at Stone Mountain and Gwinnett Soccer Association. For those first years, Habib played in different teams because of his age difference whereas youngest brother Sunaj played as a striker and Emra a midfielder on the same side.

Out of the south-east, the family moved again, this time to Moorhead, where some friends of their family lived.

Once there, the three played together for the Fargo Park District and Tri-City Storm, with elder brother Habib joining their recreational teams.

“With Habib as our goalie, myself in the midfield, and Sunaj as a striker we are able to help each other reach our potential during the game,” says Emra. Six years later, some friends of the brothers were trying out for our team.

“They told me that I should try out because they, as well as myself, had faith in me that I would make it on the team and saw a future for me,” said Habib.

Those friends did not make this year’s squad, but all three Beljulji brothers did.

They are full of praise for how they all play together.  “We definitely compliment each other when playing the game. The more we played and the older we got we learned without having to say anything where we needed the other brother to be,” says Emra

When I asked him who the best was, between them, Habib gave me a detailed and passionate run down:

“Sunaj, is an amazing striker/forward that has killer shots to the net that sometimes I even feel bad for the goalies he shoots on. Emra will NOT let anyone get past him with the ball no matter if they are the fastest player or greatest player, he has a great skill as well. As for myself, I'm lucky to have my brothers because they help me work on my skills as well. They always are taking shots at me! They don't even take the easy shots, it is the bullet shots from both of them!  It's truly a gift to be playing with each other!”

Sunaj marked himself into the history of our young club with the first goal in club history, in the winning cause of the Gold side that including Emra (against a Green squad including Habib).

And what of the future?

Habib speaks with obvious passion and intent about his desire to be a professional and credits his older brother for teaching him to keep. “I've honestly always wanted to go pro. That is my ultimate dream. Everyone tells me that I should be trying out for something bigger. Something better. Having everyone support me and tell me these things makes me push even harder to become a professional.”

Emra adds that “My goal is to fulfil my potential as a team player. I could definitely see myself playing professionally in the future. It has always been a dream and now I'm on FC Fargo I have the opportunity for other leagues to see my skill and passion for the sport.”

Sunaj agrees that it was “my target to make it on a professional soccer team. FC Fargo is just one step closer to my dream.”

Talking to the Beljulji brothers, their love for each other, passion for the game, and desire to grab the opportunity shine through.

It will be a pleasure seeing them develop in the Red River Green & Gold.
