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The cat-ball clown show

Up until tonight I thought UPSL had good taste in selecting its teams.

Apparently not: Ladies and gentlemen, (re) introducing the self-aggrandizing cat ball clown show, FC Minneapolis. I believe the running tally is something like 21-0 they have lost in games against FC Fargo.

But whatever, they spout PR nonsense about how great their club is, seemingly entirely based around their founder Ian Sendi.

They claim association with a city they don't play in, and some kind of territorial right to the state of Minnesota - even though even in this league they are not the only Minnesotans (see also the rebirth of the hardworking failure that was Granite City FC in St Cloud)

I don't really need to say anything else. Check my earlier posts on our games or read the league guff yourself:

Stay well, stay warm. Soccer season is soon.
